At the dinner table tonight, my girlfriend Myra and her husband Dale along with their daughters Heidi and Gretel, started talking about Joe the Plumber. Gretel, who is eight years old, couldn't comprehend what it was all about. Dale tried to explain it in terms of $250,000, etc., well, Gretel just couldn't grasp it, so Myra said, "Gretel, you earn $5.00 a week for allowance if you do your chores, right?," she said, "right." "O.K., let's say the government comes in and says you owe them .25 for income taxes on that $5.00," she was with her so far. "Now," Myra says, "let's say you really kick it up a notch and do a bunch of stuff that I didn't even have to ask you to do and I decide to give you $10.00 for your allowance, but Heidi is still earning $5.00 because she is only doing her list (even though I told her she could earn more if she'd do more). Then the government comes in and sees you earning $10.00 a week and says, "O.K., now you owe us $4.00 because your sister didn't earn that much, so we're gonna give her some of your money." Gretel looked at her mother as though she was growing three heads and said, "WELL, THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!," and I said, "Exactly."
(Now if an eight year old can get it, why can't all the liberal Democrats get it? I say it's because of a couple of things, you may be blind, deaf and dumb, you may have too much education and no common sense or you may be jealous, but, if an eight year old can get it, why can't you? When my girlfriend Myra told me this, I said well there's a little Republican in the making! Thank God Almighty! The names of Myra and Dale's children were changed to protect the innocent.
My favorite saying is: If common sense is so common, why don't you have any? VN8)
Samuel the Plumber with a twist!!
At the dinner table tonight, my girlfriend Suzy and her husband Bob along with their sons Mutt and Jeff, started talking about Samuel the Plumber. Jeff, who is eight years old, couldn't comprehend what it was all about. Bob tried to explain it in terms of $250,000, etc., well, Jeff just couldn't grasp it, so Suzy said, "Jeff, you earn $5.00 a week for allowance if you do your chores, right?," he said, "right." "O.K., let's say the government comes in and says you owe them .25 for income taxes on that $5.00," he was with her so far. "Now," Suzy says, "let's say we're going to start paying your brother $10.00 a week to supervise you. He only has to spend 15 minutes supervising while it takes you 4 hours to do your chores. Then the government comes in and sees Mutt earning $10.00 a week and says, "Okay Jeff, we're going to reduce your taxes to 5 cents so you can save more money, better yourself, and be able to afford to buy more which will improve our economy, and we're going to start taking $4.00 in taxes from Mutt who sits there and supervises you." Jeff looked at his mother and, "WELL, THAT'S FAIR!!!," and Suzy said, "Exactly."
(Now if an eight year old can get it, why can't all the conservative Republicans get it? I say it's because of a couple of things, you may be blind, deaf and dumb, you may have too much education and no common sense or you may be jealous, but, if an eight year old can get it, why can't you? When my girlfriend Suzy told me this, I said well there's a little Democrat in the making! Thank God Almighty! The names of Suzy and Bob's children were changed to protect the innocent.
My favorite saying is: If common sense is so common, why don't you have any? AB1
VN8 ~ if the "average Joe" can bring home more money, they'll spend more money, which will improve our economy! Right now we can't afford to buy the things we need, let alone luxuries! So, once we're able to spend more money, business' will do better! When they do better, they grow! When they grow, they hire more employees which improves our economy even more! Joe, who once earned $250,000/year in a poor economy is now earning $1,000,000/year because his business has increased! It's a very positive snow ball affect! =)
So in your analogy Angie, if I'm reading this correctly, Mutt has to pay more in taxes so that Jeff can save money and better himself? Where is the fairness for Mutt? He's being punished because he has applied himself and may be more intelligent and has to succeeded as a supervisor? I'd like to also know what exactly it is that you need that you cannot afford? And your analogy is that if Joe earns more money he pays more taxes and I'm telling you I circulate with lots of small business owners and we all have a consensus if we have to pay more taxes, we aren't going to grow at all. We are happy right where we are. I'm not paying for any more social programs, PERIOD! So I don't know what small business owners you think are excited about all this growth when they are going to stick it to them if they earn over 250,000??
The point you really missed and I'm not surprised, is the fact that an eight year old recognized that the government was going to take away from what she had earned because her sister was unmotivated for whatever reason. VN8
I didn't miss your point, but you missed mine! Besides, the way it was presented to the child, they had no option but to assume it wasn't fair! Present it my way to the same child and they'd agree with me!
I choose to look at things more optimistically! I'm also not closed minded! There is more than ONE way to view any subject!
I can talk until I'm blue in the face and you'll never choose to see the other side. You're like a horse with blinders on.
Thank you though for allowing me to have my say on this blog!
Angie, Gretel would not see it your way if she was given the option. She's a very smart girl and she wants to keep what she earns, all of it, it's hers. That's where you and I part ways. What other option would you like Gretel to have and I'll pose it to her? Give me the option so that an eight year old can understand it and I'll give you her response.
As for you referring to me as a horse with blinders on, now I think that is name calling and I believe that you have been a big proponent of cease and desist on that, if I remember correctly. Hmm, yep, I think that is what you have said in the past.
I don't have blinders on, I just have strong opinions and cannot be manipulated. If that makes me a mule, then I love being a mule! Oh and you will never find many more people other than myself who are more optimistic. I just keep hoping against hope that Democrats/Liberals will one day take off their blinders and see the light! LOL VN8
Over the years of my young life, I've watched as the liberals touted themselves as the "well-educated" and "free-thinking" people who have every right to look down their intellectual noses at the working-dog conservatives who don't understand how the big bad world operates. I have watched the transition to almost an exact opposite. Liberals now appear as a reactionary, closed-minded lot who cannot see the economy growing without a corresponding growth in government. Conservatives have become the thoughtful, rational individualists who see the economy as an expandable, developing entity that can continue without the hamstringing the government brings to pretty much anything it does.
"Free-thinking" as it applies today, seems to be more of a conservative trait than a liberal one. What is so paradoxical about this is that liberals take the easy way out by way of wealth redistribution. By giving a fish, rather than investing in teaching HOW to fish, they make it really tough because under their same system, there's only a limited number of fish to begin with. Of course, teaching to fish would be the better choice when the number of existing fish is limited (a finite economy), but imagine how many fish could be added if the national mantra is to teach fishing, *and* the fishbowl is unlimited!
But they didn't bother to tell the kid that right now, the one earning $5 will have to give $1 of it to the one making $10 so that we can pretend we believe in the fairy tail of trickle down economics even though it clearly does not work. Common sense means you understand that taxes can and always will redistribute wealth up or down. For years it has been redistributing wealth away from you and the middle class.
Say what, Jim? How do you figure that? Well, if there is a President BO, you're wealth redistribution dreams may come true. What many had hoped was a slip of the tongue to Joe the Plumber turns out to be who he really is.
Liberal democrats are hopeless. VN8
Lee, every notice how they can't be specific on an eight year old level so that I can present it to Gretel with other options? LOL Gretel is eight and has been tested on an eleventh grade reading level but I don't think she could weed through Samuel the Plumber with a twist! VN8
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