Learn more about the "Tea Party Patriots", if you believe that "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing", check out this link, it just might suit your fancy.
As conservatives we have stood by and prayed and hoped that the worst would not happen, I believe that the time has come to take action. Let's take our Nation back for all those Patriots who have come and gone before us!
I'll be at a Tea Party on Wednesday, April 15th, how about you? VN8
VN8 - we knew it all along, but 9 out of 10 knee-jerkers surveyed around the world agree, BO is the biggest case of buyer's remorse we've seen in an awfully long time! :)
Hope to see you there,if you wish to seek me out,and you may. I will be wearing a RKBA tee-shirt,carrying a green bag with a paratrooper symbol on it,which will have a GUN SAVES LIVES button. I will also be carrying a DONT TREAD ON ME flag. Hope to see you there.
OM1, I know that's right! I read a vent in the local paper this morning, husband and wife have both lost there jobs and they addressed POTUS: "We have lost our hope!" That pretty much sums it up. Wonder what color robe he'll be wearing today? VN8
Scalawag, I'll be looking for you. Thanks for stopping by. VN8
I am going to one In TerreHaute,In on Wed.
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