Calling it a "stupid, silly, one-line aside," he touched on the attention it received. "I think it's an incorrect statement to say I was, in any way, trying to disparage legitimate protests," said Cooper. "I don't think it's my job to disparage, or encourage, which oddly other networks seemed to be doing. Protest is the great right of all Americans, and it's not my job in any way to make fun of people or disparage what they're doing."
Cooper said he regretted making the comment. "If people took offense to that and felt that I was disparaging their legitimate right to protest, and what they were doing, then that is something I truly regret, because I don't believe in doing that," he said. "Having this discussion just takes away from the real story."
(Maybe Anderson Cooper is trying to save face, we may never know the real truth. I believe it was "stupid and silly" and I might add juvenile! VN8)
I'm no fan of Cooper's but I do think a little better of him. Still, I take issue with the "If people took offense" part of his statement. It makes his apology conditional. That's what I always appreciated about Don Imus. When he apologized it was absolutely unconditional. He was man enough to own his insult of the Rutgers women though he was a dumbass to go on Al Sharpton's show. But that's another story. Anyway, let's give Cooper a nod in appreciation.
I thought it was big of him to even offer half of an apology, I just wonder if it was a career move and we may never know. He always struck me as a gentleman. How's it going in your neck of the woods? VN8
Why is that I don't think he really meant it? Perhaps all of the people attending laughing has something to do with that.
Anderson Cooper,like most over at CNN and all at MSNBC are nothing short of bottom feeding scum. They hate conservatives,and dispise the Tea Parties. Thus the immature reaction from them.
I wish I could give the credit that Lee did, but I cannot. Cooper is a CNN talking head, and CNN itself is losing credibility by the acre lately, due to reporters engaged in uninformed commentary. Cooper had to forge some sort of an "apology" to give the appearance that he is somehow, the bigger person (bigger, say, than those who "took offense"). He will make his liberal alignment known again very soon. Let's just watch.
Scalawag, OM1 probably has it pegged correctly, leopards do not change their spots and we will just have to give it a little time and we will know whether he meant it or not. How's it going in your neck of the woods? Can't wait for July 4th! VN8
Those liberals really do like to be the bigger person. It's because their brains are so much highly developed. I'm sure thousands of years from now, it will be written that their frontal lobes were so much more evolved, conservatives were just barely ahead of neanderthals! LOL We will just have to watch Mr. Cooper and see how he handles himself. And to you I say, how's it in your neck of the woods? LOL VN8
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