Friday, April 17, 2009

Bend over and grab your ankles or join the revolt, it's your choice . . .

The choice is yours! VN8


Anonymous said...

$20.32 for K-Y JELLY????

Are you SERIOUS??????

$20.32 buys a LOT of Crisco.

VoteNovember2008 said...

OM1, yeah, I know that's right. There were some clever signs. How was your event? Atlanta is already planning a July event. I'll keep you posted. VN8

Anonymous said...

15,000 in Indy, VN8! Media wash will put it at 500, but you can see the footage. I think there is more planned here, too. Knife-twisting 101 for the lib/socialists!

It's ON!

VoteNovember2008 said...

Wow, OM1, that's awesome. Did you take any photographs? Isn't it awe inspiring? I wondered how long it would be before Americans got their bellies full and I believe we are at the point of regurgitating! Maybe one day soon, we can all say, "Free at last, thank God almighty, I'm free at last!" VN8

VoteNovember2008 said...

Oh, P. S., it's definitely on! LOL We will see how well the libs stomach a taste of their own medicine, funded by the Tea Parties! VN8

Unknown said...

I'm green with envy. Employed as I am, I really can't participate. And I must confess that I'm part of the problem, I suppose. But I'll live vicariously through y'all!