OMG, I just found this and it is hysterical! ROFLMAO VN8
Here’s Mark Steyn on the Rush Limbaugh show:
“It was wonderful watching the coverage of the hamburger visit. He’s amazing, Obama. This coverage — he’s a regular guy. He eats a hamburger with Dijon mustard — Dijon mustard. John Kerry couldn’t get away with that stuff, but he makes it seem like just like a regular thing to do. Now there’s — I see that some of the left-wing commentators are saying, ‘Why are people making a fuss about the Dijon mustard?’ but that’s just an example of the way Obama is able to enlighten us.”
Style over substance, I tellya .... but sometimes he's a'hurtin' in the style department too!
Just two completely regular wild and crazy guys out cruising for burgers with the White House Press Corps in tow. It was all so spur of the moment, don't you know.
OM1, I couldn't agree more! VN8
Lee, two regular wild and crazy guys mingling with the provincial peasants, how quaint! VN8
It's fine by me that they went out even if it was a photo op. The real story here is that the MSM, so eaten up with BO adulation, portrays this as a working lunch and chance to rub elbows with the great unwashed. The dijon mustard thing let's you know that they aren't regular folk who would know better. Kinda like John Kerry wanting to appear normal in 2004 when he ordered the cheesesteak sandwich in Philadelphia. He asked for provolone cheese and was unaware that a real Philly cheesesteak is made with Cheez Whiz.
Cheeze whiz??? Dang, I didn't know that! yasee how educational these blogs can be???
Well on the good side ... the burger gaffe was much cheaper in the long run than the NYC flyover. And think of all the voters who became converts!
What sort of man eats a hamburger with fancy mustard? Oh,a beta-male wussy does.
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