Try this quiz and be honest with yourself. It's very revealing. VN8
Be loud, be proud, be seen, be heard and be counted. Our Freedom depends on it! VoteNovember2008
This blog is dedicated to my Mama, she instilled in me the importance of FREEDOM and the love of Our Country! RIP Mama, our time together was far too short. 12/24/2009
I got a 38. "...for the most part, you keep yourself in check. You think that a little bit of jealousy certainly never does any harm. You prefer to feel all kinds of emotions, if the time is right, rather than devoid yourself of new experiences. This is because you have an optimistic view of human nature and you realize that if you trust people with their decisions that they are not trying to hurt you, or take advantage of you."
I got a 12 . . .
The Quizmoz Jealousy Test Score indicates that you would be lying if you said you don't get jealous. But that does not mean you are going to let your jealous feelings sabotage this coolness thing you have been working on. You are not terribly jealous at all. You trust peoples' motives most of the time, believe that they are telling the truth, and are willing to give them a little room to explore life on their own, without feeling insecure over whether they will come back. You take a genuine interest in understanding and caring for other people. This sincerity comes across to other people, making you a treasured friend and confidante. This makes you a genuinely supportive person.
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