"Ann Coulter to me is someone who says things that I say all the time, but I say them at three in the morning when I’m drunk as a monkey. She says them at three in the afternoon stone sober in bright daylight."
— P. J. O’Rourke
Be loud, be proud, be seen, be heard and be counted. Our Freedom depends on it! VoteNovember2008
This blog is dedicated to my Mama, she instilled in me the importance of FREEDOM and the love of Our Country! RIP Mama, our time together was far too short. 12/24/2009
Amen, and thank God for Ann. I have all of her books and never tire of her style. She does cause me to occasionally cringe and think to myself "dang, I don't know if I'd have said it like that!" but her targets always deserve her broadsides.
Sometimes I think her delivery is better than a 2 X 4 upside the head! LOL LOL LOL VN8
I can see why the two of you would love Ann Coulter.
Well - she's (Ann Coulter) out there and there are certainly times when we need that. There is so much socialist, huge government drivel from the media spigots that *someone* has to be "out there" enough to reign in the craziness.
Yep, birds of a feather flock together. Ann Coulter tells it like it is. VN8
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