By James P. Lucier
September 3, 2008
Would you trust Sarah Palin to negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions?
Well, why not?
Today BP, the former Anglo-Iranian, is the third largest global energy corporation. It now claims to be privatized, and it is estimated that 70 percent of the shares are owned by British investors. At one time the Kuwait Investment Office held over 21 percent of the shares. It tried, and failed, to merge the two companies, but was blocked by a British government inquiry. Under Prime Minister Thatcher, the company went private and on a spending spree. BP bought up Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio), Standard Oil of Indiana (Amoco) and Atlantic Richfield (Arco). BP became a major player in the U.S. petroleum industry, including Prudhoe Bay and the Alaska Pipeline. And despite its advertising campaign trying to suggest that BP means "Beyond Petroleum," the company has one of the worst environmental records in the United States with its refineries blowing up and its pipelines bursting, the result -- as testimony showed -- of parsimonious budgets for maintenance. It is a formidable corporation.
So enter the PTA community organizer from Wasilla. Without preconditions she took on a company that has a market cap of $205 billion and annual revenues of $291 billion in worldwide operations. Its budget is larger than that those of most sovereign countries, yet she won on her terms. If she can outsmart BP, the company that started the Middle East conflict, she can easily outsmart Ahmadinejad, if need be.
Read more here . . .
Just a drive-by, VN8, but I have to say that I'd much rather have McCain-Palin face down Achm ... Ackma....that Iran guy, than I would Obama-Biden. That's almost a no-brainer! Palin is a shrewd negotiator and I'm sure she can more than adequately tell that Iran guy where to get off the train!
OM1C, we will see. It's very nice seeing a woman that from all appearances has the demeanor of a real lady on the public stage, but also, it's nice to know that she apparently has a pair of brass balls when she needs them! I'm just saying, time will tell where this leads and just to make CCTT happy, I'm praying that God is leading this election one way or the other! VN8
I'm just stopping by and happy to see you are following VN8's rules of blogging etiquette today. LOL
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