Governor Sarah Palin was a Democrat and if Governor Sarah Palin had terminated her pregnancy when she and her husband discovered that there unborn child would be born with downs syndrome the Democrats and the National Organization for Women would be throwing a baby shower for Gov. Palin's unwed 17 year old daughter, Bristol Palin. NOW and the Dems would be suggesting that Bristol forgo a marriage and remain single and allow the government to support she and her unborn child because after all, Democrats know that the age of seventeen she doesn't know what is best for herself or her unborn child. She can't possibly at the age of seventeen make these types of life changing decisions herself.
But let's turn the page, Governor Palin is pro-life, she chose to see her pregnancy as a blessing, just as all her other children have been, she raised a 17 year old daughter who made a choice that she will have to live with the rest of her life and Bristol also chose life. I ask you, why would Democrats and the feminists of this country not be supporting a woman who seems to be juggling quite a lot of "balls" successfully and is paving the way as did Geraldine Ferraro?
We will see if women as a whole support Governor Sarah Palin or if some of them continue to bash the fact that they are suggesting that a mother of five who is running as a Vice Presidential candidate on a National ticket is incapable of of working and being a mother. After all the years we as women have fought for the right to be respected for all of our capabilities, are we going to turn back the pages of time? I for one, believe as a woman that we can DO it ALL. VN8
I admire the girl for having the baby and admire the boyfriend for doing what's right and marrying the girl. He said on his MySpace page that he never wanted to have children so it's good that he's willing to sacrifice. And since his mother says he's no longer in school, perhaps he dropped out so that he can get a job and support the baby. If you don't believe in sex education, you have to be prepared for your children to get pregnant, get married and get jobs while they are still children. They both look like nice kids and I hope they have a happy family.
OK, here goes: I'm actually appalled at the idea of them encouraging the girl to get married. Crimony, she's 17 and he's 18! Statically speaking, it ain't gonna work. Getting marrdied is compounding the error. Were I in the Palin's shoes, I would encourage her to have the baby and put it up for adoption. Then, of course, you have the problem of someone adopting the grandchild of the potential VP. And I'm not too crazy about the thought of Sarah Palin joining this campaign when she has a young one of her own. Call me a sexist if you must, but folks who sign on to having children should devote their time and energy to raising them and, as a mother, she is the most important person in her young child's life. So, I strongly disapprove of her accepting this nomination. Having said that, I like her politically and believe she can advance conservative principles. She is what McCain needs. But her personal life would have ruled her out had I been making the pick. Romney would have been as good.
Jim, for cryin' out loud, sex education isn't the issue. Before anyone ever heard the word "abstinence", we had sex ed and teens becoming pregnant at an ever increasing rate. We have unfettered access to contraceptives and information and this problem continues to bedevil us. Do you believe they didn't know pregnancy couldn't result from sexual relations?
Lee I'm not so sure they believe in birth control. So condoms might be a big no no with them.
If that's the case, and they decide to enter into a sexual relationship, then all of the sex ed in the world can't help.
Now, we don't know about beliefs, but I believe it's safe to say very few 18 year old guys really want to fool with a condom in the heat of the moment.
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