Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tricia Walsh Smith

In honor of a woman scorned. You have to see this!


Jim said...

LOL I saw this yesterday. Do you think it's real? I was buying into it and then wondered if it was a loneygirl kind of thing. Regardless, never let a scorned woman have access to YouTube! LOL

VoteNovember2008 said...

I know that's right. No, it's not fake. It's all over the papers in NYC! I hope she burns his ass to smithereens! Wow, I spelled it correctly! LOL Maybe she will get to see the POPE while he's in NY! I can't wait to see what kind of videos start popping up on youtube, they'll have to start an entire category for scorned women! I mean it's all about equal rights!

Kenny.Bunkport said...

Here is an attractive forigner (Mrs Smith) who married an (ugly) pig of an American w/ big bucks for security (Mr Smith). What is their economic, age, social standing (in NYC) differences? She found out it is difficult to fake-it in the sack for too long. So, now he is getting his urges satisfied elsewhere for cash up front - and she has lost her luster to him? She brings nothing to the table at this point - but spending HIS money at charity events - for HER benefit! Go back to England and join AA. You can get some sympathy there - not here! hey Phillip, come to Vegas where women know the rules that we "pay" by...