Saturday, June 7, 2008

Another controversial figure, supports Obama!

Be afraid, be very afraid. Doesn't it make you wonder why so many people that hate American and Israel, support Barack Hussein Obama? If America is ever defeated, she will be defeated from within. Just ask Nikita Khrushchev! VN8


Unknown said...

They may hate America and Israel and want our defeat in Iraq but don't you dare question their patriotism!!!

VoteNovember2008 said...

LOL, welcome back Lee. I'll question them til the cows come home. It's my patriotic duty. Damn, I had my hands full while you were gone! Don't you have a BlackBerry? :)

Jim said...

Oh I'm so scared! Please pass me some more FOX Kool-Aid. OMG what will we do if the people wake up and all the fascist neocon Republicans get beat? OMG I'm scared! Pass me some FOX Kool-Aid quick. LOL ...thanks for the entertainment VN8.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Oh please Jim! Don't forget we are saving all these comments for posterity! Hopefully we won't need to refer back to them because of all of Barack's CHANGE!

Unknown said...

VN8, I did miss the banter last week! I do have a blackberry but find it a bit of a pain to type with my thumbs. Maybe I should try a pencil eraser! For a bit of trivia, it was Johah Goldberg in National Review Online, perhaps four years ago, who noted that liberals tried to end arguments with the old "Don't you dare question my patriotism!" BS. Of course, he did and still does. In a rather recent piece he took on and destroyed the "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" argument.

Jim, what do you mean by FOX Kool-Aid? When has FOX ever done anything like CBS (Rather/Mapes) or the made up stories in the NYT or WaPo. I know you guys love to hate FOX because they have a couple of conservatives on the staff and they aren't hoping for America's defeat and humiliation.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Wow, Lee, it was all I could do to hold the fort down while you were gone! LOL How's your tan looking? Hope the weather was out of this world.

I know what you mean about the BlackBerry but it does allow me to stay in touch! As time goes by, I become more proficient at the the thumb typing!

My patriotism runs just as deep as anyone else and it's going to be a long hot summer before the election! VN8

Sue said...

VN8, the crazies go for Obama because he's tolerant by nature and they sense that. That doesn't mean Obama's radical, but it is part of his appeal as a "consensus builder".

I'm always entertained by your political banter, but am waiting for another family story from you. You cooking another one up??

Unknown said...

VN8, check out and scroll down just a bit to the three consecutive reports on Obama's website. If that doesn't give us a clear picture of who supports him then nothing will.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Lee, that's very interesting. Do you think it's a spoof? VN8

Unknown said...

It's no spoof. So again, we must ask "What if this happened on a Republican candidate's site?" Of course, we know the answer.

For more good reading and a little fun at Chris Matthew's expense (one can never have enough of that!), go to and click on "Oceans Eleven" under Campaign 2008.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Lee, that was a good one! Very good! VN8

Jim said...

The Little Green Freakshow forgot to check the online forum archives on the McCain site. Some of the remarks on the McCain forum are calling Barack Obama a "niggerr", Hillary Clinton "wife of mr blowjob", and several posts claiming Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Unknown said...

Jim, there is difference between folks posting on site (such as I am now) and what appeared and stayed on Obama's site for weeks. And you know it. I wouldn't hold Obama responsible for anyone referring to Bush as Hitler if they clean it up after it happens.