Monday, June 16, 2008

Anyone remember Elian Gonzalez?

Well it seems that the 6 year old boy, now 14, whom America wanted to save from Communism has joined the ranks of the Communist Youth Movement and has stated that "he would never let ex-President Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castor down."

Elian Gonzalez, another casualty of communism in Cuba! Thank you Bill Clinton, thank you Janet Reno, you apparently did the right thing to keep one more soldier in the ranks of potential communism! "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!" Can anyone say, "brainwashed?" VN8


Unknown said...

I was truly ashamed for my country when this happened. Too bad for little Elian that his case wasn't considered by Reagan/Meese rather than Clinton/Reno.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Amen, Lee. I know the fisherman who fished him out of the water probably has his own regrets and what if's! It was a sad day.After Waco, you would think Janet Reno would have learned to stuff some of that testosterone! VN8