Obama scrambles to save Democratic Senate seat
President Obama makes me sick to my stomach! VN8
Joe Lieberman Endorsement Scott Brown Latest Polls Show Widening Lead | Before It's News
(Way to go Joe! VN8)
Be loud, be proud, be seen, be heard and be counted. Our Freedom depends on it! VoteNovember2008
This blog is dedicated to my Mama, she instilled in me the importance of FREEDOM and the love of Our Country! RIP Mama, our time together was far too short. 12/24/2009
Groundswell! And THIS is Massachusetts! Like California only without the sun and sand. But with similar fruits, nuts and flakes.
It won't hurt us to let oblama spin his wheels for the next two years and change.
I agree Obama makes me sick also. But Michelle My Belle makes me cringe. God Bless America.
It is close, but the fact that a Republican is as Brown is right, well, it is a miracle.
Thumbs up for Scott Brown! YES!
I was very touched by your previous post...thank you for sharing these personal events in your life.
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