I hear that POTUS is going to use his address to the Nation tomorrow night to make a connection with the middle class! WOW, I hope he wears his SUPEROBAMA outfit! Supposedly he's going to try to buy the middle class off with more child-care tax breaks and student loan deferments. Way to buy more votes with my tax dollars! You got to give the guy credit, he doesn't quit, he keeps trying to put a square peg in a round hole and he doesn't seem to notice that it isn't going to fit no matter how hard he tries.
Mid-term elections are going to be very interesting! I absolutely can't wait! VN8
It's a slam dunk that he'll never connect with the middle class. He had the chance. Heck, as others have said, he could have attacked the health care train wreck from the middle class angle and gotten much more support. The issue should have been making health care affordable PERIOD ... not making the middle class pay for health care for the will nots. That just grew the welfare set, and alienated those of us in the middle. Now he think he gonna instantly connect with the wheels of the country? Nice try, Clem. Dying gasps of a single-termer. This early, no less!
Winger, kind of reminds me of a man on his death bed? Think the American people will give him a drink of water? I don't think so! VN8
You nailed it, RWL. The emphasis should have been on making health insurance available across state lines and divorcing it from employment. And I too believe BO will be single termer.
It is a shame Obama was a no termer.
Lee, case and point: I have no health insurance, but if I had, last week I would have gone to the doctor and probably paid over 100.00 for an appointment (from my friends, I'm hearing figures as high as 150.00), either way, I went to CVS Pharmacy, they have one minute clinics in their locations. Let me tell you what a breeze it was, I walked into CVS, went to the kiosk, typed in my name, address, phone number reason for my visit, was seen immediately by a nurse practioner, had a thorough examination, paid my CASH, she sent my prescriptions to the pharmacy, I walked to the pharmacy, picked up my prescription. Time lapsed? 35 minutes from getting out of the car to getting back in the car. My point is this, if I had insurance they would have accepted it, but there was no pages and pages of paper and red tape to fill out, I didn't have to wait in the reception area for an hour while til the doctor could see me and I didn't have to give them a lifetime of medical history! All for the low, low price of 62.00. It was an awesome experience! I'm just saying that health care needs to be reformed and I don't have the answers, but if I have another minor ailment, The One Minute Clinic has my business! VN8
FD, Time flies sometimes! Hopefully three years will fly by! VN8
Sweetie promise me that you will go and get some health insurance. My neighbor just lost her house because she got cancer and didn't have insurance. Now she's depending on the government. I know that you are like me and would rather die than take a handout from Obama. Please get some insurance. Keep up the fight. We have to take this country back and show those liberals what individual responsibility is all about.
Just listening to Mark Levin's rant about last night's SOTU...my diet coke came up through my nose! Levin is on a tear.
Susannah, thank you so much for your sincere concern, I'm working on it and as soon as I get my house sold in this rotten economy, it's the first thing I'm going to buy! VN8
Lee, Love Mark! I love people who tell it like it is. Don't ou hate it when you spit anything through your nose? VN8
The One is a supper something alright, what that might be I can't mention here in good public.
This man only doubled down, then spat in the eye of the voting public - aka - We the People.
Like I said once to you, believe at the Health Care Rally - just have keep pushing, for at some point we just might push back and do it real hard.
That might be votes or votes from the roof tops. For if he is going to make congress,Supreme Court,and the checks and balances irreverent - then he leaves us little choice in the matter.
Hopefully,and this is my prayer - that the 2010 elections will place restraints on him, like the Chains of the Constitution should.
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