President Barack Hussein Obama can't even talk to a group of children at an Elementary School at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, VA without a teleprompter. Will someone tell me what is wrong with this photo? How can we ever believe anything that comes out of his mouth because everything that comes out of his mouth comes out of a teleprompter. Come on Mr. President, I know President Roosevelt didn't want any photos of him in a wheel chair because he didn't want the American people to know of his handicap, so what is your problem? Yeah, that's my opinion and you are entitled to it! VN8
Barack Hussein Obama .. mmm,mmm,mmm!
Everything this guy does just makes him look like more of a fake. They oughtta just quit with the pictures and just let him fail-out the rest of his term. We don't WANT his socialism and even grade-school kids are on to him. When he goes back to being a community antagonizer, he can take his TelePrompTer with him.
The sooner the better.
Appearing in this photo are the TOTUS and POTUS (listed in descending order of importance and competence!)
Now, all joking aside, can you imagine the MSM derision and ridicule had W done such a thing?
Lee said it best.
Winger, I'm starting a charitable group, send donations for Allied Van Lines, lets start packing him up! VN8
Lee, poor "W" he would have been flamed! TOTUS and POTUS are already seeing the writing on the wall! No pun intended! Heard the President use the phrase this morning "one term", he already knows he's TOAST. VN8
FD, Yep, Lee has the ability to be very succinct! VN8
What an armature.
Scalawag, he's that alright! VN8
I'm afraid that you've been hoodwinked sweetie pie. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/did-obama-use-teleprompter-talk-elementary-school-children
Susannah, thanks for the correction. Only goes to prove that POTUS can speak to elementary students without the assistance of TOTUS but when he is communicating to anyone above the 6th grade level, he can't be without his teleprompter! Pretty sad wouldn't you say? VN8
About the left-spin: I'm not convinced. Sometimes ya just don't have to photoshop this guy to show his incompetence. "He didn't use them to talk to the students..."
Were they there? If so, yah, he used 'em.
They learned early in the campaign (a la Joe The Plumber) ... better err on the side of caution ... "dude you better script your comments going forward." Good thing (for him) he listened. Although the teleprompters might keep him from a technical blunder, they have served to keep Obama from actually "connecting" with his audience. I truly believe that they've (teleprompters) removed from the audience any idea that the guy could be spontaneous or has any quick wit on which he can rely in a pressure situation. People notice.
That stuff matters. As a blog-hog example, I'd have an easier time digesting information gained at a Palin speech than I could at one of Obama's. It's a comfort thing. If Obama can't connect with me, he's probably not connecting with the information he's trying to present.
Winger, I had already heard about this before I posted the photo! LOL But I do believe that my comments are right on. POTUS might be able to communicate with his little comrades in middle school, but he apparently can't communicate with the media with out POTUS, he might just make a gaffe! WOW, I'm gonna be looking for another controversial blog topic! VN8
The thought of BO using the TOTUS to address school kids is funny, but that's what it is: only a funny thought. Susannah is right, it was a joke. Kudos to her for seeing the piece in the Weekly Standard and kudos to the Weekly Standard, a stalwart conservative publication, for pointing out the joke.
Lee, I admit it's a funny joke and I like the Weekly Standard, but it is funny that he couldn't even hold a media conference without his teleprompter. Makes you wonder when the media asks him questions, who's feeding those answers into the teleprompter, I'm just saying. VN8
I know. I can't recall W using the TOTUS except during speeches. I wonder if, during press conferences, BO's people are transmitting answers to him through the TOTUS. You remember how the MSM would assail W for his broken syntax and awkward answers? Compared to BO without the teleprompter, W was almost Churchillian.
Lee, the light at the end of the tunnel is his defeat in 2012! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. VN8
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