Monday, February 22, 2010

CHOICES - President Obama is making more bad choices?

Another appointment of President Clinton is an anti American Islamic Envoy. When will this stupidity ever end? Rashad Hussain claims that remarks he made were "ill-conceived". Oh yeah, I'm buying that excuse! To make matters worse, he received his Bachelor's Degree from UNC! Oh no, he was a Tarheel! VN8

Rashad Hussain admits making anti-terror prosecutions statements

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama has no leadership ability whatsoever. This is what happens when you've never worked an honest day in your life. Carter at least worked during his life, which made him look even more idiotic at times, but with Obama there's simply no excuse. Worse, he surrounded himself with fellow idiots who have no leadership skills and you get what we have here. One Term Wonder. And we wonder how he ever got that far!