Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
Tea Party Patriots, an organization with a reach of millions of members and over 1,000 voluntarily affliated tea party and 912 local groups asks: WHY WOULD 600 PEOPLE AT A RALLY CREATE A MEDIA FREENZY?
For the last year, Tea Party Patriots have come together in every state across the nation, held tea parties in larger cities to smaller towns and nearly 2 million tea party patriots showed up in DC in September to rally together for the cause of liberty. Where was the media then?
Why did the media choose to show up at a tea party rally in Nashville that marketed itself as a "national convention" with only 600 participants who claimed to speak on behalf of the movement?
Why would the media show up just because a national figure was asked to speak? National figures spoke all over the country in local tea party rallies all year and in DC on September 12th.
We believe the answer to "Why?" is this:
* There are heavy efforts underway to align us to a political party.
* There is great concern that the Tea Party Movement will become a third party.
* The media did not do their homework on this "national convention" and is now creating misinformation on the movement.
The Tea Party Movement started because of these tactics and we will not be used like this. We are smarter than that and we will call out any one and any organization who tries to undermine the grassroots movement known as the Tea Party Movement.
Our challenge regarding this misrepresentation:
For the media:
* While we appreciate the national spotlight, we challenge you to do your homework on press releases and marketing strategies of groups and individuals. Had you given the National March on Washington the same coverage you gave this "convention" it would have been more realistic of the voice of the people. During that march, it was evident what the people of the movement wanted our platform to be: LIBERTY.
* We challenge the media to show up in their individual cities and towns on April 15th as we gather for our "regional conventions" and Stand Up for LIBERTY once again.
For the politicians:
* We believe the thrust of our effort has been and will continue to be providing proper forums for all Americans to voice their opinions about their existing government and the changes that are necessary to restore the country to a constitutional footing. We do not dictate to our members. They get enough of that from the parties and from our government. They want the freedom to find facts, participate individually and act accordingly. We the People are smart and will not buy any tactics by politicians to use or co-opt us or the movement.
For the people:
* Become well-informed citizens and know the tactics that will be used against us - especially in 2010. This is an important year politically and we will do our best to inform and educate you on issues. We will also alert you to tactics used by political parties and outside interests to hijack the movement. We ask you to do the same thing on a local basis so we can stop the madness and right our country to common sense decision-making.
* If you have not joined a local Tea Party, find one and get involved. This is where you can meet up with like-minded individuals who love their country and want to protect it. To find a local tea party group, go to http://teapartypatriots.org/Search.aspx.
Tea Party Patriots is a grassroots organization represented by ordinary citizens standing up for LIBERTY and dedicated to reclaiming America's founding principles.
You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!
Tea Party Patriots are just ordinary people reclaiming America's founding principles.
We will retake America.
I will see you there VN8.
FD, Amen fellow Patriot! I'll be standing shoulder to shoulder with you and all of our brothers and sisters. Keep the faith, keep up the fight. VN8
Looking forward to being with you again, surrounded by all our fellow Patriots. Be loud, be proud, be seen and be heard. We will be there! Keep the faith, keep up the fight. VN8
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