Well, well, what do we have here? Virginia Thomas, wife to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has decided to create a tea party linked group. Way to go Ginni! A link to her website may be found here.
LibertyCentral.org will serve the big tent of the conservative movement and assist all viable individuals and organizations with education and engagement. The site’s primary focus will be on emerging and new citizen activists – helping them discover a viable path to effective and efficient activism, along with an understanding of why their participation matters in accordance with founding principles and limited Constitutional governance.
God bless you in your attempts to return our government to the Principles of our Founding Fathers. Mark my word to all you progressives, we are coming and you are next! Yeah I said it and you are entitled to my opinion. VN8

Good for her. And nice to see she tweaked the NYT too boot.
My hubsband thinks this is bad for our movement since she said that her group would be funded by corporate donations. We just wanna be grass roots and told what to do by big corporations Michael Steele and all thosse RINOs trying to make us agree with republicans on spending and stuff. We gotta keep independent and fight government and those fat cat corporations screwing us over. I love Mr. Thomas but want his wife to give up the corprate money and be like us.
Scalawag, yes each of us have a voice! NYT's needed the boot for sure! VN8
TPP, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it. You and I will have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm a true blue capitalist and unfortunately money is what makes our economic world go round. As citizens our power is at the ballot. I'm assuming that you might mean that all corporate money is "dirty", I'm not sure, but the Patriots of the Tea Party Movement should be able to agree on one things, the Federal Government is TOO big, out of Control and it has to stop. Mrs. Thomas can never be like you, you can't be like me and we can't be like her, we are who we are and if she has the power of position or persuasion to fuel our Party, I'm all about donations if they aren't dirty. We will just have to keep an eye on who the donors are. If you uncover anything that would shed light on the donors feel free to email me @votenovember2008@gmail.com. VN8
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