Friday, November 7, 2008

This teacher needs to lose her job . . .

Teacher Diantha Harris browbeats McCain supporting student, Kathy,in Asheville N.Carolina grade school. The poor girl is obviously distressed over the teacher's line of questioning and belittling her choice of candidate in front of her school mates.

(Another government school educator indoctrinating our children. Need I say more? VN8)


Angie ^i^ said...

It's okay as long as she doesn't "brow beat"??? What the hell does she call what she just did??? She also disrespected that little girls Father! Just wait until Military Daddy see's this video!

I can't though, condemn the actions of all because of the deplorable actions of a few.

Anonymous said...

this is when daddy goes directly to the school board and does some brow beating of his own.

Oddly enough, my word verification is: "derate"!

Unknown said...

If I had a kid enrolled in this school and nothing was done about this teacher, I'd withdraw him immediately and complain to O'Reilly. I've more to say but I've got to get ready for work. Later