Rock on TOTUS, keep POTUS on his toes!

OMG,this has to be the funniest PhotoShop I've seen in a while!

Be loud, be proud, be seen, be heard and be counted. Our Freedom depends on it! VoteNovember2008
This blog is dedicated to my Mama, she instilled in me the importance of FREEDOM and the love of Our Country! RIP Mama, our time together was far too short. 12/24/2009
I think somebody's jealous that POTUS can actually read, enunciate and even write his own speeches. It is a funny photoshop though. LOL
Jealous? Yeah, right.
Jim, "The Chosen One" needs to learn to pronounce "Orion". Jealous, oh never in a million years. Sick of what his plans for America are, "you betcha!" VN8
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