Monday, March 23, 2009

TOTUS Update!

Well TOTUS has a blog that is bringing down the house. It is the most original idea I've seen in ages and he even has a FaceBook page! Join the bandwagon, jump on the train, we have about 1399 more days to go and you have to laugh to keep from crying, come along for the ride!

Rock on TOTUS, keep POTUS on his toes!

OMG,this has to be the funniest PhotoShop I've seen in a while!


Jim said...

I think somebody's jealous that POTUS can actually read, enunciate and even write his own speeches. It is a funny photoshop though. LOL

Unknown said...

Jealous? Yeah, right.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Jim, "The Chosen One" needs to learn to pronounce "Orion". Jealous, oh never in a million years. Sick of what his plans for America are, "you betcha!" VN8