Tuesday, March 24, 2009

President Obama talks about Orion Energy Systems and energy-efficiency


Jim said...

You say "Nuu-Que-Lurrr" and I say "OAR-Ree-On". LMAO

VoteNovember2008 said...

I think President Bush had accent problems, I think President Obama clearly didn't know how it was prononced. Just my opinion. VN8/BB

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter usta say "Noo-Cue-lar" and it used to bug me because in addition to being a peanut farmer, Carter was an accomplished nuclear engineer!

Oh well ... nuclear spelled sideways is "unclear".

VoteNovember2008 said...

OM1, that's a good one! Wonder how TOTUS is feeling this morning since he got ditched by POTUS? VN8

Jim said...

Speaking of teleprompters, I saw a great quote today. "If Republicans are going to turn "teleprompter" into a bad word, good luck running Sarah Palin for president in 2012."

VoteNovember2008 said...

Oh Jim, I love a good challenge and if anyone thinks SP is afraid, I got news for you, she doesn't need a teleprompter. When you know what you believe and you believe it in your soul, you don't need a teleprompter for your beliefs to pour out. We have 3 years and nine months to dish it out, it's going to be very humorous. VN8

Jim said...

VN8 you know that's a challenge for me to dig up a with and without Palin teleprompter video. LOL ...TOTSOA