Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Obama's says," just a guy who lives in my neighborhood."

Glad Bill Ayers doesn't live in my neighborhood, I'd have to weed him out!


Jim said...

Now I wonder what I would find if I did a background check on everyone in your neighborhood. Is your hood squeaky clean?

Unknown said...

What can one say about this. Plenty, actually. Can you imagine a Republican with a campaign staffer and friend who had bombed an abortion clinic? Can? You? Imagine?
Obama is gettin a pass on this. I hope Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Coulter and others continue to beat the drum. The WaPo ran the Macacca story on the front page for seventeen consecutive days. Think they could find some space for this?
Were Obama to win, this guy or his lovely (not) wife may be in line for permanent positions.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Well I've lived in my neighborhood for 12 years and I'm sure there are some unsightly people in this neighborhood but we do root them out. I'm pretty active in my neighborhood and we just had a burglar arrested. So if someone wants to ignore the blights that exist in our communities then you will have to deal with what you allow. Bill Ayers continues to be a sick man and I hope that the Republicans stay on top of this story.

Jim said...

In line for permanent positions? Give me a break! In don't think for a minute you actually believe that.

Unknown said...

Jim, why not? Ayers is on the campaign of the presumptive Democratic nominee and no one is going off the deep end about it except conservative talk radio. I don't mean cabinet positions. There are plenty of places within an administration without exposure to Senate approval.

Jim said...

Fact Check Link: Obama and Ayers

Unknown said...

You know, this photo could be the perfect GOP campaign poster.

VoteNovember2008 said...

I think it would be very appropriate! Thanks for stopping by Lee!