Thursday, October 23, 2008

I don't want to participate in your type of Patriotism Obama!


Unknown said...

The content of the video is right on and nicely done. Put together, it paints the picture of where BO is with regard to taxes. They aren't to raise revenue but rather to level the playing field. He summed his philosophy up with his beautifully simplistic remark to Joe.

As for the poster at the beginning, I hardly think BO has much in common with Che other than some socialist ideology and I disapprove of such comparisons. But after eight years of Bush=Hitler, this seems rather tame. And if anyone on the left squawks, they should be reminded that it is their brethren who idealize Che in t-shirts and in posters that hang on BO campaign office walls. And there are several Dem congressmen who are cozy with Che's buddy, Fidel (or perhaps were as Fidel may have assumed room temperature for all we know).

Anonymous said...

Lee is correct (as usual), about the tax plan. But why, one would ask, is this necessary? BO's activity is directly targeting those who believe they can vote their way into a system which relieves them of a number of responsibilities. First there is the panacea of an infrastructure completely rebuilt. Next there's the pipe dream of the perfect education system. Two of the biggest drawing cards to people who are willing to knee-jerk and not think either of them through. First, he's got all the urban people onboard, thinking they're gonna see an end to the ghetto and the arrival of bullet trains in every city. Next he goes after all the mommies and daddies, who are thinking their schools will now be as clean as nuclear power plants. That ought to be enough votes to put him in. Four years from now when there's no bullet trains, and kids are still eating lead paint, he'll be gone, but he got what he wanted. Face time and a "legacy". It's gonna be a long hard struggle to get this country on track, and another four or eight-year delay is on it's way.

Anonymous said...

As for his "patriotism", even the hint that BO has any is an error. He's a one-worlder from way back, if his associations don't point that out clearly, his "reach-out" rhetoric regarding our enemies should help. None of these policies empowers America in the global community-sometimes-battlefield. A strong hand does not necessarily need to be constantly clenched in a fist. A weak fist, however, doesn't even knead bread very well.

Anonymous said...

I do agree about using the poster either. Took me a while to think of this. First of all, the allusion on the poster gives the lefties all the crying material they can handle. At the same time, it does little to change any minds. Perhaps if there was a civil way to show that Obama might be a "roadway" that leads in the general direction of Che, the message would be more effective.