Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Worse than Ayers and Wright?

Barack Obama's most troubling radical association may be his friendship and political and financial alliance with Rashid Khalidi, described by the New York Times and more reliable sources as a former spokesman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, whose Black September arm carried out the 1972 murders at the Munich Olympics, the murder of American Ambassador to Sudan Cleo Noel, and other terrorist acts. (Khalidi denies having been an "employee" of the PLO.) Fox News did an extended piece on Obama's relationship with Khalidi; here is part of it:

Gateway Pundit has much, much more, including this nugget: the Lost Angeles Times has video footage of Obama toasting Khalidi at Khalidi's "going-away party" from Chicago to Columbia. The event has been described as a "Jew-bash," but the Times refuses to release its video. Also, it appears that Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi are close friends and political allies--with each other, as well as with Barack Obama. Maybe this helps to explain why Iran has endorsed Obama for President.

Maybe one of these days a reporter will ask Obama what it was about his conversations with Khalidi that he found so educational. Would it be Khalidi's musings on the most effective way to murder an American Ambassador with a sub-machine gun? Or on how to terrorize an Olympic Village? Why, exactly, has Obama provided funding for a notorious apologist for Islamic terrorism? Maybe such questions will be asked once Obama is safely ensconsed in the White House.


Unknown said...

You notice how we've been treated to interviews with everyone who has known Gov Palin since her birth, but all of BO's friends and associates are kept under tight wraps? As for the Jew bash, no doubt it's true.

And a couple of weeks back, former Democratic Presidential wannabe Jessie Jackson informed the World Policy Forum in France that “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” will remain strong, but they’ll lose a great deal of their clout in an Obama nation. As if that weren't enough, he added that Obama would have to apologize to the world for the “arrogance of the Bush administration,” and passionately denounced the toppling of Saddam Hussein as “an illegal and unjust act" (this was lifted from TheRightPerspective.com). Now, I know JJ doesn't necessarily speak for BO, but I do believe they're kindred spirits. Yes it's all about the Jooooooooooooos. Were I Israeli, I'd be mighty concerned about being sold out.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Lee, this comment is going to be extremely tasteless, but wasn't it the Rev. Jesse Jackson who wanted to circumcise BO? Something to that affect!

The Jews should be afraid, very, very afraid! VN8

Unknown said...

Uh, circumcise? I believe he mentioned castration! Of the political variety, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

With no disrespect, The Jews have no need to be afraid. They will take this signal (BO gets the Big House) as their "go" signal against Hamas, Palestine, and most importantly, Iran! The Israeli intel gathering machine dwarfs the United States, and when the U.S. isn't there to moderate any decisions they make, Iran will probably be attack if those centrifuges produce weapons grade plutonium.

VoteNovember2008 said...

Lee, I stand corrected! LOL You are exactly right! No pun intended! VN8

VoteNovember2008 said...

OM1C, you are exactly correct also! Israel can handle their own problems even if they have to do it with a pile of rocks and a slingshot. David proved that! With enough faith, anything is possible! VN8

Unknown said...

Where's the outrage from our lefty friends?

Anonymous said...

Lee I think the "r" was dropped from their outrage ... leaving a bit of an outage!

VN8 this is very true. And the nice neat bloc of voters BO alienated could show their relevancy in a coupla key states! ;-)